The Beckett Circle, “Footfalls-inspired multi-media performance in Los Angeles”, June 19 (online)
Curate LA, “This Week’s Must-See Art”, May 23-29 (online)
Lindsay Preston Zappas, KCRW Art Insider, Top 3 This Week [re: [0-I-RI-R] Current installation at the Wende Museum], May 21 (online)
Feargal Whelan, “Legibility and Excavation: An Interview with Saun Santipreecha by Feargal Whelan”, The Beckett Circle, May 22 (online)
RabbleRouse News, “Saun Santipreecha’s …These Things That Divide The World In Two…”, June 22 (online)
CanvasRebel Magazine, “Meet Saun Santipreecha”, May 20 (online)
Culver City Crossroads, “Wende Opens ‘Undercurrents’ with Artists Discussing Impact”, May 1 (online)
Culver City News, “Undercurrents at Wende Museum”, April 25 (online)
Per/formative Cities, A Nest of Triptychal Performances, Exhibition Catalogue, March 13 (online)
The Dreaming Machine, “Per/formative Cities”, March 20 (online)
Les Nouveaux Riches, “Interview. Saun Santipreecha”, March 9 (online)
Artribune, “Saun Santipreecha - Performative Cities”, March 4 (online)
Art a Part of Cult(ure), “Saun Santipreecha @ AOCF58: Per/formative Cities”, February 29 (online)
Juliet Magazine, “Una ragnatela di performances tripticali”, February 23 (online)
Exhibart, “Saun Santipreecha: Per/formative Cities”, February 29 (online)
IKT International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art, “Per/formative Cities, A Nest of Triptychal Performances”, February 7 (online)
Shoutout LA, “Meet Saun Santipreecha | Interdisciplinary Artist”, January 8 (online)
2023 Bold Journey Magazine, “Meet Saun Santipreecha”, December 28 (online)
Voyage LA Magazine, “Conversations with Saun Santipreecha”, November 20 (online)
The Art & The Artist, “Episode 41, Saun Santipreecha”, August 13 (online - video)
Curate LA, “This Week’s Must-See Art”, Sept. 28 - Aug. 4 Re: Benefit 2023 | Chords2Cure Group Exhibition, Reisig and Taylor Contemporary, Sept. 28 - Aug. 4 (online)
L.A. Art Documents, “Saun Santipreecha at Reisig and Taylor Contemporary”, July 20 (online)
Curate L.A., “This Week’s Must-See Art”, June 29, Re: Dandelye—or, Beneath this River’s Tempo’d Time We Walk”, June 29 (online)
2022 No Transmission, “Saun Santipreecha - Dandelye (Album Review)”, July 8 (online)
Volatile Weekly, “Interview with Saun Santipreecha”, July 7 (online)
Ryan Hall, “Santipreecha - “Dandelye”, Tome To The Weather Machine, July 6 (online)
Fame Magazine UK, “Saun Santipreecha’s album Dandelye focuses on the relationship between nature, humans, and technology”, June 29 (online)
Sinusoidal Music, “Saun Santipreecha-Dandelye | Thematic Experimentation”, June 29 (online)
We Write About Music, “Saun Santipreecha analyzes his latest record “Dandelye””, June 22 (online)
2018 IndiePulse Music Magazine, “IndiePulse Interviews: S. Peace Nistades”, February 10 (online)
2014 Film.Music.Media, “Composer Interview: S. Peace Nistades”, January 3 (online - video)
Music Connection Magazine, “Meet the New Breed of Film, TV & Game Composers”, November 3 (Print)
2011 Film.Music.Media, “FMM: Composer Interview-S. Peace Nistades”, December 1 (online - video)